Propane Appliance Repairs in Elko County

Living in the Elko County area, you know how much you depend on your appliances to keep you comfortable. When it comes to keeping your appliances functioning at their best, you can trust Wells Propane Inc. for all of your repair needs. Contact us today for service.

Repairs for Appliances

While you can do everything in your power to help ensure that your propane appliances continue to function at their best capability, all technology sometimes experiences malfunctions. With age and time of wear and tear, your system might need occasional maintenance and repair, part replacements, and inspections. At Wells Propane, we offer affordable and efficient service to get your propane appliances running again, so you can go back to feeling comfortable and enjoying what matters most. If you notice any of the following problems, give us a call, so we can diagnose and correct the issue before it turns into something bigger:

  • Burning odor
  • Unusual noise
  • Increased energy cost
  • Compressor short cycling or constantly running
  • Uneven distribution of heat
  • Too much dust in the filter

If you notice any of these problems, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible, so we can help repair the issue.


Heating System Repairs

Emergency Service

Having a no-heat emergency, especially during the middle of winter in Nevada, can be a scary and stressful situation that no one should have to deal with. We have technicians on call 24 hours a day to ensure that our residential or commercial customers get the very best appliance or heating system repair day, night, weekend or holiday. We understand that your furnace or your water heater doesn’t always schedule its problems during normal business hours, so we schedule technicians to be available every hour of every day.

We’re proud to provide 24/7 emergency service to our valued customers. Our dependable team of highly experienced and trained technicians will be there to help you solve the problem, so you don’t have to spend any more time uncomfortable and worried than you have to. Click here to learn more about 24/7 emergency service.